
Flies are a symptomatic pest. Which means that their presence is an indication of other issues that may need to be corrected to remediate the issue in the structure.

Flies can be very effective at transmitting numerous pathogens/diseases due to the fact that they can fly, they breed in filthy places, spreading many of the pathogens to clean areas of the structure. Flies do not have any chewing mouthparts, and regurgitate digestive liquids on their food sources and mop it up with their mouthparts to feed. Flies also have a very active digestive system, which means they are constantly defecating, it is estimated they poop each time they land.

Small flies have a niche in the ecosystem and their duties include to clean up decaying material that has been left behind. This means that Sanitation is key to effective management of most fly issues.

Cluster fly


Cluster flies are parasites of earthworms. Can be a pest that infests homes in the Spring due to the ground thawing.

Flesh Fly


Flesh Flies can also be an indication of rotting material (or carcass) nearby. They are attracted to light, rotting food, still water.

Blow Fly


Blow Flies can also be an indication of rotting material (or carcass) nearby. They are attracted to light, rotting food, still water.

Phorid Fly


Phorid Flies are a small fly that breeds in decaying or rotting matter. This pest tends to harbor in the sewers or drain lines. This pest is extremely attracted light (phototrophic), and can infest the living space when there is an opening to allow them entry.

Fruit Fly


Fruit Flies tend to be a kitchen or bar nuisance and is often found in commercial establishments. This pest breeds in small micro-environments that provide food and moisture for the larvae. This pest is attracted to vinegar, light, and acidic food sources.

Drain Fly


Drain Flies live and breed in the drains of structures. This pest is not usually found in large populations. It can be difficult to manage, effective treatment is dependent on a thorough inspection.

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